Six-night retreat, September 21-27, 2025 in the enchanting San Miguel de Allende, a "UNESCO World Heritage City" in the heart of colonial Mexico!
No matter where you find yourself today in your creative journey: whether you'd like to discover your creative potential, reconnect with your creative energies, or deepen an existing creative practice, you will find the nourishment and the inspiration that you're looking for during this retreat! It is designed for women and is set in a magical space of self-care, sensory stimulation, and mutual support.
It will be a privilege to facilitate your experience as we align our minds, bodies, and spirits towards inner growth, self-expression, and connection. You can expect centering moments, mindful movement, creative art activities, and curated visits to local galleries and artist studios.
Rick Rubin beautifully states in "The Creative Act: A Way of Being:"
"Creativity is not a rare ability. It is not difficult to access. Creativity is a fundamental aspect of being human. It's our birthright. And it's for all of us. Creativity Doesn't exclusively relate to making art. We all engage in this act on a daily basis."
This philosophy resonates deeply in me fueling my passion for facilitating a process that is both fun and focused, within a space brimming with positive and inspiring energy. It's my belief that, when we can achieve this "state of being," we become most alive, and we fully connect to our inner spirit. This is why I am pouring my heart and soul into this unique opportunity for each of you, offering a deep dive into your own unique creative being.
I've found that this journey into creativity is most accessible, and greatly enhanced, when we begin each day with intentionality through alignment of mind, body, and spirit: each day will commence getting grounded with breath-work, mindful movement, centering, and intention setting, to create a solid foundation for your day. There will also be a key theme or principle presented each day that you'll see reflected throughout the day.
After a nourishing breakfast, you will have the opportunity to engage in creative activities that I have thoughtfully curated to align with our daily theme and, also, with YOUR individual interests. I Look forward to facilitate and come alongside in your journey of creative growth.
I look forward to sharing with you the stimulating magic of San Miguel de Allende as well as the unique and warm hospitality of our selected venue: Casa de la Noche. This award-winning, bed-and-breakfast style, boutique hotel now serves as a captivating window into Mexico's rich cultural past
We have the opportunity to come together to reclaim our creative energies in this extraordinary setting!
CASA DE LA NOCHE Click the link for Video to learn about the venue.
SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE Click the link to Article to learn about the City.
The per person participation cost ranges from US$1,890 and US$2,650 depending on your room selection:
- "Suites" (Shared or Single)
The largest rooms: small apartment feel, up to 2 guests.
- "Small room"
Best suited for 1 guest desiring an economical but private option.
- "Luxury rooms"
Larger, & provide extra comfort with additional features.
All rooms are unique and special!
You may preview rooms with this link: Casa De La Noche - Room Preview
Contact Robin for current room availability for the retreat.
Your registration includes:
- 6 Nights accommodations
- Transportation to/from airports (QRO or BJX)
- Breakfast every day
- Welcome Reception, margaritas & heavy hors d'oeuvres
- Five additional meals
- On-Site Instructor-led sessions: art & creative activities
- Experiential trips: artists studios and galleries
- All supplies and materials
We have committed to the "whole-house" at Casa de la Noche to ensure the focus and synergy of our group. This will offer you the full enjoyment of many indoor and outdoor common spaces, including:
- Fountain patio area
- Common grounds and gardens
- Rooftop art studio
- "Besitos" Sala & kitchen
You will also have access to WiFi and purified water throughout the facility.
(Air-Fare not included).
Copyright © 2018 Emerging Art, by Robin R. Frelier - All Rights Reserved.